Thursday, October 29, 2009

New Moon High

     Today ended on a very good note! On a whim I dropped by CD-Rama, the music off-shoot of my favourite bookstore, Popular, to see if they've got the New Moon soundtrack yet.  I wasn't too hopeful since the movie will only be released on 3 December here but my TA mates have been gushing about it so I thought, what the heck. I reckon my face must have lighted up like a Christmas tree when the sales person told me it was indeed in coz her smile was quite wide too - well either that or she remembered me from the last time I'd gone with my sis to get my groovy headphones, ha ha.

     So.... I've got me my own New Moon soundtrack now, woo hoo! No more waiting months to get the thrill of the music as I'd done with Twilight.  I'm even listening to it as I write this so I'm in a rather mellow and chilled mood, LOL.  Now if that was not enough to make my day, I'd gone to Cold Storage (a supermarket for my foreign friends) and there was a mobile stall by the check-out counters that was selling phone accessories and EZ-Link stickers (the ones for the public transport cards).  I was just being cheeky and checking out if they have any other Twilight stickers.  My eyes must have bulged out when I saw NEW MOON stickers!!  I know my inner child was squealing inside! Whoa! I did not expect that!  They were even my favourite ones of the released promo pics! Wicked!  So anyway, Thursday is a good day! And one more day to the weekend, awesome!


Anita said...

I am SO UBER jealous right now !!!!

enjoy it to the bone sweetheart!

Shining Stars

A Taste of Vintage