Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My New Toy... Eh I Mean Phone

     My old-ish Nokia Music Express 5610 has been dying a slow death for a while so I looked around for a replacement.  After checking out several brand names and models, I finally decided on the new Nokia touch phone, a slimmer and cost-effective version of its first touch phone, the 5800.

     The 5530 is slightly slimmer and lighter. Instead of an 8GB memory card, it comes with a 4GB one though both has the capacity of taking a 16GB memory card. Function-wise it is about the same though I understand that the 5530 does not lag as much as the 5800. I feel my inner geek emerging again... ;)

     I was vastly impressed by one reviewer in particular, a British chap residing in the UAE. He's so smitten by it that he's decided to sell off or give away the iPhone that he has. Of course there are those who are not satisfied by it but I reckon 4 dissatisfaction out of 50 or so is not too bad, eh?  It takes a little getting used to but so far I'm satisfied. 

     Best of all, it only costs SGD 399 without a contract. Its usual retail price is SGD 598. Cool, no?  Oh, I also had a SGD 50 voucher so I only paid SGD 349 for it. All in all, quite a worthy price for a touch phone that has only been on the local market for about a week when I bought it.

     The Dutchess wanted to see my actual phone's photos so how can I not oblige her. :)

General Menu

 On its side

Back view - like an iPhone eh?

Oh look, my favourite couple is here too

     And in case it's not obvious how delighted I am with it, here's one of the satisfied user. ;)

     Since I started this, I've managed to move my Notes application somewhere so I need to figure out where it is now! Talk about dumb moment!


Anita said...

whoohoo! that is one impressive toy erm phone!!
a wee bit jealous here!
So I guess you can put all your music on there too, right?

ah.... see... my background is exactly the same.... great minds think alike * grinn*

loving the pics!

La Cullen Cantante said...

LOL yeh, it's pretty cool! Now if only I can figure out how to put back the Notes! Something for my sis to take a look I guess. She's geekier than me when it comes to the phone stuff. :D

I can have music there but the battery gets used up so much faster so I've stuck to my mp3. :D

As for the background... Edward and Bella forever baby! ;D

Shining Stars

A Taste of Vintage