Monday, December 14, 2009

Edward, Jacob and ME!

     Okay okay, so not quite Edward and Jacob, LOL. 

     I barely ever win anything, so much so, I often can't be bothered with contests and quizzes and such, LOL. But a while ago, I won those four tickets to the gala premiere of New Moon, which I thought was pretty cool.

     Then in the early morning of 1 December, I happened upon an envelope from Starhub, my local cable provider. I'd already seen the envelope before then but I thought it was just the bill so was in no hurry to open it up but then I thought, "Oh why not" - somehow I always hear Edward's voice when I use that exact phrase!

     Imagine my surprise when it was actually a letter to inform me that I'd won two tickets to the New Moon screening the next night. I literally gasped, I was so surprised!  To think I almost didn't open the letter too!

    Anyway on said evening, after I collected my tickets and posters, their staff asked if I wanted to take photos with Edward and Jacob. I was puzzled coz I thought they meant taking a photo with the movie posters. I'd already taken those before  so wondered why they were encouraging my obsession, LOL. Then I saw the two actors standing by the posters so I thought why not. 

     The guy dressed as Edward was very sweet too. Very Edward in fact.  I thought his makeup was very convincing but my sister disagreed. I barely realized the Jacob guy was there, he was so quiet - weird getup by the way but oh well. Funny how even with actors portraying the characters I still noticed Edward more. LOL


Shining Stars

A Taste of Vintage